Participation Requirements & Information
The online registration includes consent for participation, information on state-mandated concussion and substance-abuse prevention, transportation, and the medical history questionnaire. A current physical exam and an online student emergency health forms must be submitted prior to participation.
Pay User Fee Online through NRSD Online Payment Center
Users fees are due after teams are selected
Fall user fees are due by September 13, 2024
Winter user fees are due by December 13, 2024
Spring user fees are due by April 4, 2025
Unified Basketball (fall) and Unified Track & Field (spring) user fee is $100.00
Physical Exam - Physical Exam Requirements
Must have proof of physical from certified physician
Information on Head Injuries and Concussions: Based on new Mass State Law, the DPH has regulated that all parents and student-athletes be educated regarding concussions annually. The links below provide information on concussion education.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Concussions in High School Sports website
NFHS Learn: Concussions in Sports - What you need to Know (online training)
Information on Substance Use Disorder: The Massachusetts Department of Public Health is committed to helping parents keep their children healthy. Based on new Mass State Law, the DPH has regulated that all parents and student-athletes be educated regarding substance use disorder annually. The links below provide information on substance-abuse education.
Information on Substance Use Disorder -
MassTAPP -
MA Substance Abuse and Information -
Opioid Misuse Prevention for Student-Athletes - click here
Dr. Ruth Potee discusses Athletes, Opioids and Addiction - click here
Opioid Misuse and Prevention for Student Athletes - click here
Information on NFHS Implicit Bias Course - In order to gain a better understanding of actions, language and behavior which can be interpreted as discriminatory in nature and to confirm their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, the MIAA is requiring all student athletes take the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) free online course entitled Implicit Bias
Contact Athletic Director if you do not have access to a computer.
Information for the 2025-2026 School Year
A message from the AD's Desk to Incoming 9th Graders...
We are excited to have you become a part of the Nashoba Regional High School Interscholastic Athletics Program. Nashoba Athletics is rich in pride and tradition. NRHS offers 50+ teams across 26 sports!
Participating at the high school level requires a greater commitment compared to a club or recreational team. Members of a team are expected to attend all practices and competitions. Weekend practice sessions may vary by sport and should be anticipated. In addition, teams do practice and compete over vacations and many holidays (i.e. Columbus Day, Veterans Day, etc.).
Prior to the start of each season, the high school will host a meeting for students and their parent(s)/guardian(s). These pre-season meetings serve as an opportunity for coaches to provide information about their program, team philosophy, expectations, and more.
The athletics office will send out information via email prior to each season, but we wanted to share information ahead of time for all potential incoming ninth graders.